We share a lot here on Short Presents, and arguably you know a lot about me dearest blog reader, but there’s also a lot you don’t know. While I try to keep Short Presents as a positive space to share experiences, knowledge, or just funny stories life is not all sunshine and rainbows.
And I would know, just like everyone else I’ve definitely experienced my fair share of hardships. See when I was 16 I was hit by a car, and while at the time it was actually the worst thing that could have happened to me it has made me into who I am today.
Recently, I was asked by Loulabelle Skincare to be a part of their Love Letter Campaign where women write letters to their 16-year-old self. It was super open ended and the direction was totally up to the author.
While looking back can drudge up a lot of old feelings (not all positive) I found the process to be extremely therapeutic. As a blogger, we’re always focused on moving forward, and we’re always asked “what’s next” but equally as important is taking the time to reflect.
If you were to write a letter to your 16 year old self what would you say? What wisdom would you impart?
Read mine here > “Dearest fragile Kayla”
Hope you enjoyed today’s post, and shout out to NXN Photo for the image above.
Kayla, I had no idea! That’s a beautiful letter you wrote to your 16 year old self. You’re one of the most amazing people I know, it’s unfortunate you had to endure what you did. But you were (and are) strong, you chose to persevere and to see the world in a positive light, and it’s pretty incredible to know the awesome person you are today. xo
Amazzinnnnggggg xxxxx