
Sheer Bliss

What I’m Wearing: BB Dakota Summer 2013 Blouse (Borrowed) | Tommy Hilfiger Blazer (old), Parasuco Skinnies | Very Volatile Ridding Boots (last season) | Suzy Sheer Necklace (very old). 

Growing up near the ocean has filled me with the constant need to return to it. There’s something tranquil and settling about being near the water (unless you are my hair) that is difficult to explain. Every now and then I make a point to return to the big blue, and to my sanity. What is your favorite spot to reset blog readers? Tweet me @shortpresents or comment below ๐Ÿ™‚ I’m always open to suggestions!

Happy Friday! 
Short Presents

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  • Reply Julie Mitchell December 29, 2012 at 5:10 am

    I spent most of my summers when I was little on Lake Erie at my grandma's cottage or at our trailer (which was at a campground/protected park), so I feel most at home near the water. My parents and I travelled to Newfoundland this summer and we were never that far from water! We took my parents new trailer there across the boat (I was okay-ish on the way there, threw up the entire way back) and most of the campgrounds we stayed at were on or near the water (which made me very happy). We went on the boat tour of Western Brook Pond which was amazing, even though it was a cloudy day and I learned lots from the tour guide (I even learned about moose meat and because of that I tried moose meat pie)! I loved being there and being close to water most of the time!

    • Reply Short Presents March 4, 2013 at 3:49 pm

      Awe it sounds like you had a lovely time (minus the sea sickness). I haven't been to NFLD since I was very young, but it's for sure on my list of things to do.


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