When ever we travel we love to scope out pizza joints. After 13 hours in the car we were hungry and grumpy as bears to say the least. We were beyond exhausted after driving for so long, and so when we stumbled upon this pizza place in Wellesley MA it was a no brainer. Soon as we saw Old School Pizza written on the window we were sold, and immediately found parking.
Old School Pizzeria for the win.
Here’s a very up close pic of our pizza. We ordered a margarita pizza and added olives and tomatoes. This pizza was delicious and very reminiscent of pizza we had at traditional pizza places in New York. The crust was thin and crisp, with the leoparding of around the edges that is achieved by a very high temperature brick oven. With fresh basil and a great sauce the margarita is definitely a great starting point for any traditional pizza lover.
A look at the very old fashioned dinneresque interior. Inside you’ll find yourself in company with everyone from E.T. to I Dream of Genie. Certainly interesting choices for decor, but overall it works for this mom and pop kind of pizza shop.
Overall I would recommend this place, it may not be as famous as Grimaldi’s of Lombardi’s in New York, but the pizza is great and the inside has plenty of interesting photos to take you back to the good old days. The staff were also very nice, young, but nice; it’s always good to see a community supporting its youth while also instilling proper work ethic. However, I would add that the music was a little loud, and bit to screamo for my taste. They might want to consider their audience and also that they aren’t 15 anymore, and maybe not everyone wants their ears blown out while eating dinner. Just a thought.
Wellesley is also a very charming quiet little town in Massachusetts that is worth a visit. After travelling SO far, and SO long, this was exactly what we needed: a delicious hot meal.
Happy Thursday,
Short Presents.
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