People ask me all the time “what inspires your style”, and while I could tell you that I love classic feminine pieces with a modern twist (I do), and that I love the style of Audrey Hepburn, Grace Kelly, and all the Hollywood babes of yesteryear (I do) it isn’t as simple as that.
For starters my style is always changing, some days I want to wear pompoms on my backpack, and other days I want to wear a blazer and a bow tie. I’m all over the place, but I can honestly say that I am definitely inspired by the world around me.
I love to travel and experience new things. Currently, I am in the planning stage for a trip to San Franciso, as well as a fun trip with my blogger BFF, and also wife to the photographer who shot these images, Sarah (of BohoandBraids) for an upcoming trip with Ford to New Brunswick (can’t wait).
No matter where I’m head I always want to (a) walk through as much of the city as possible because I think it’s the best way to get a feel for the culture, and then of course (b) hunt down really interesting architecture and murals. There’s something about street art and quirky buildings that always appeals to me and contrary to popular belief it’s not just for Instagram! I mean clearly I am cool AF (see photo below ahhaha)
NOT! Ahhah I’m definitely not one of those kids who like let’s drive allllllllllll the way to this amazing place in the middle of nowhere and snap a photo and leave. I mean I appreciate a good gram as the next guy, but I also need a minute. I want to soak it in, and I want to remember as much about the experience as I can (unless I’m freezing in which case you better believe I’m high tailing it to the car followed up with intense begging for a pitstop for hot tea).
But otherwise I think maybe my mind moves too fast sometimes because I really rely on these quiet moments, but if we’re together on an adventure just giving you the heads-up that you’ll be calling me to come along because it will undoubtedly be the one the dilly-dallying behind.
Sadly the day we took these photos was a drive-by experience because I was quite literally on the way to the airport, and Denis not only was kind enough to drive me, but also stopped to take Sarah and I’s photos too. #Instagramhusband goals or what?
I should also add that it was minus a million outside, so that’s why you don’t see anything except my jacket in these photos lol after three days of freezing my butt off at Toronto Women’s Fashion Week my tolerance was at an all time low. I know this isn’t really an “outfit post” but in case you’re interested.
Jacket, Winners.
Jeans, Joe Fresh.
Backpack, Matt and Nat c/o Envy Clothing.
Boots, Rockport.
Phone case, c/o Casetfify.
Sunnies, Celine c/o Smartbuy Glasses.
So all that to say it might be weird to say that a really cool angular building could inspire my jewelry choices, or a vibe in a coffee shop could inspire a blouse I buy that day, or that a leopard print skirt might inspire me to pick certain colors to paint my apt or vice-versa, but those are the facts, kids. I really do think we are a product of our environments in more ways than one.
When are you going to San Fran!? Im headed to LA in June with Stephanie Lane for a special collab!
I love the backpack. Matt and Nat is a fav of mine. One might say I am ‘Envy’-ous. 😂
You inspire me xo
When I do this kind of post guess who I’m tagging Xo
YOU !!