

You have a guest who’s coming who you know is lactose intolerant, but you have nothing in the house for them? What do you do?

We all know someone who has issues with Lactose, I mean take a quick poll in any room, and you’re bound to find at least a few. Maybe you are one of them, and you’re reading this right now, so without further adieu, I dedicate this post to you, dearest blog reader. But first, we must educate the others.

Did you know that a person becomes lactose intolerant when his or her small intestine stops making enough of the enzyme lactase to digest and break down the lactose?

Personally, I don’t suffer from Lactose Intolerance, but I’m about 99% sure my boyfriend does, and my mother definitely does, and not to mention dozens of my friends and extended family. You really don’t need to go far to find someone who is! Which is why I wanted to write the post.

Did you know that there are now lactose-free to-go options available at your local convenience and gas stations? Natrel, is the first brand to introduce lactose-free products ideal for lactose intolerant milk lovers and with the new to-go format, they can be enjoyed anywhere, anytime! It’s nice to make a stop to grab a quick bite or drink here and there especially on road trips or long drives, but for so long those who suffered from Lactose Intolerance had very limited options available to them.

I mean what are they going to do buy a 2L carton for the road trip? I don’t think so!

Clearly, a better option was needed. Which is why I love that Natrel at least gives those with Lactose Intolerance a choice! And they even have a couple different flavors available. From Regular 2%, 1% Chocolate. I should mention that the Iced Mocha and the Iced Coffee featured above are not lactose-free (always pay attention to their labeling), so if you’re sensitive to lactose these are ones you’d want to avoid. However, for those who are okay with lactose, the are both SO super yummy, and something you should totally try!

If you’re anything like me, sometimes I find it tricky to finish a whole two litre of milk before it goes bad

Having the option to buy individual sizes is great for adding milk to your tea, to a quick recipe, or enjoying with your afternoon snack. I mean who can resist a glass of milk with some peanut butter on toast? Or a chocolate chip cookies, or these blondies featured above. Personally, I like to have a couple of the regular ones around (or even the coffee ones as a treat) when I have family staying with me or if I know a specific friend is coming over for dinner or tea.

And of course, we can’t forget about those who are lactose AND allergic to peanuts. Goodness gracious, it must be tricky, but when almond milk, soy, cashew or whatever other kind of nut milk that exists in the world doesn’t work, AND they are lactose intolerant you know you have a great option to make sure everyone is included. And just around the corner at your local convenience store if need be.



Hope you found this post helpful 🙂 And if you’re looking for these locally I got mine at Irving 🙂













This post was sponsored by Natrel; however, all opinions expressed are my own.

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