At The Judges table w/ Sherri, Rachel (from 101.3 The Bounce), Myself and Colette | Photo c/o Rachel 101.3 The Bounce |
So you love reading Short Presents, and you’ve thought on numerous occasions… I just wish I could take her shopping with me! Well dearest blog reader, now you can! Recently I’ve partnered with Halifax Shopping Centre to offer a great fashion consultant service right here in Halifax!!
Okay so I’m kind of REALLY excited about this new job. For the past couple months I’ve been working with Halifax Shopping Centre to help roll out their new style consultant service, and I couldn’t be MORE excited to finalllllllllyyy share with you guys what I’ve been up to.
Along with the uber clever Colette Robicheau (featured on the right of me in the photo above), who has more life hacks that you could ever imagine we will be offering up our fashion and style services for you dearest Haligonians!
Do you LOVE what not to wear? Well I may not be Stacey London, or Clinton Kelly, but I can promise you we’ll get you looking like the best version of you!
With three different packages to choose from there’s definitely a package that fits your needs. While scoping these packages out make sure to remember that your $50 gift card is also included in the package price, so you’re technically getting that back PLUS all of our great advice.
Whether you’re a fashion disaster or just looking for a little style re-vamp I am here to help. To book an appointment simply contact or visit Guest Services to book your consultation now! To read our profiles make sure to head over to Halifax Shopping Centre.
Looking forward to shopping with you!
xx Short Presents
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