As the end of November draws to a close we prepare ourselves for the next chapter in Canadian weather, also known as Winter. Dun dun dun…
Featured Items: Puffer Coat: c/o Old Navy (on sale here) | Jumper, Tommy Hilfiger | Scarf: c/o Gap | Boots. Very Volatile (via Biscuit). 1969 “Always Skinny” Jeans: c/o Gap (amazingly comfortable available here).
This week for Style Panel we are embracing sweater weather! Check out the other girls looks here. When it comes to colder weather I take all precautions, I’m seriously not build for this you guys! I mean it! I get so cold sometimes I think that I’m going to freeze to death.
Okay so maybe I’m a little bit dramatic, and maybe death is kind of a strong word, but thank goodness for warm cozy sweaters, and seat warmers right?! What kinds of things do you do to stay warm blog reader? Please comment below while I go grab and pen and paper to take notes! 🙂
It so is sweater weather! I'm revelling in cozy knits lately.
They're the best aren't they?!