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I started this blog exactly three years ago today, without any real clue of what I was
doing, or what I wanted to say. I hardly even read blogs at the time or
even understood what they were for that matter, but thanks to a very sweet boyfriend I was already knee
deep in Shortpresents.com
Now after a few awkward years and copious shrieks at the computer I’ve finally settled on blogging about… a little bit of everything. From food to fashion and everything fun in
between, Short Presents in my little way of sharing all my passions,
musings, and concerns with you dearest blog reader.
Trained as a school teacher I take a similar approach to this site I
want to make sure you are getting something out of your visit. Whether
it be a great new healthy recipe to try for you or your loved ones, or
an outfit inspiration for that big date on Friday or maybe it’s a recommendation
for a local play or the next new beauty product. Whatever the topic I want you to feel like
you’ve come away from this blog with your own little present to help you
get through the rest of your day. I’ve always had a little problem with over sharing
oops! 🙂 it’s in my nature. You don’t mind though do you blog reader?
In lieu of this special day I just want to take a second to extend a huge thank you to all you blog readers and blog partners because without each and everyone of you this blog would not be possible. Short Presents has taken me on many adventures over the years, and I can’t imagine my life without it!
* photo c/o Google images.
Happy birthday! x
Thanks so much Sarah! You've been around to see it all unfold and you've managed to stick around still 🙂 Means a lot coming from you.