This weekend as you know was Mother’s Day and what better day to indulge than Mother’s Day? Mums do so much and never ask for any recognition. My mother is my hero (it sounds cliche but it’s the truth) I look up to her so much and for so many reasons. I would not be the person I am today if it wasn’t for her and everything she’s done for me. For these reasons and more I think it’s important to give back to her and all the mother figures in my life, both on Mother’s Day and everyday. If you want to make a little something special for someone who takes care of you, this Classic French Toast recipe is for you.
French toast has probably got to be one of the easiest recipes out there as far as pretty breakfasts go! It literally can be prepared in minutes, and scores equally as high on the taste scale as it does on the wow factor for looks.
As always I’ve made some healthier adaptations to a classic recipe. I like using the vanilla soy milk or almond milk because it’s already flavored so I don’t need any vanilla, but also the soy and/or almond milk adds a little bit of a nutty taste that I really like. I also use coconut oil to fry the toast because our bodies metabolize the fat from coconut oil better than conventional margarine. Coconut oil also allows for you to cook foods at a higher temp and so if you like a crispier toast coconut oil is for you! You can also cut out a bit of fat by using egg whites instead of the whole egg, I find a half and half ratio works best. I also like to cut the bread in half (on a diagonal) because then I feel like I get to eat more pieces (but I’m actually consuming less). It’s all about tricks ladies and gents!
6 slices of whole wheat bread sliced on a diagonal
2/3 of cup of vanilla soy milk
2 eggs (or 1 egg and 1/2 cup of egg whites)
1/4 tsp of cinnamon
1/4 tsp of nutmeg
Coconut oil (for frying)
Fresh berries, and icing sugar for garnish
Beat eggs together (always with a fork) with soy milk, and spices.
Heat a lightly oiled skillet over medium heat. When using coconut oil remember a little goes a long way, so until you get used to it put about half of what you would normally put in a pan if you were using butter and then only if you need a little more you can add more.
Dunk the bread slices in the egg mixture, lightly coating both sides. Do you not soak the bread too long in the mixture because otherwise it will take forever to cook and your toast will come out soggy. Yuck!
Cook the bread on both sides until golden brown, and serve with fresh berries and lightly dust with icing sugar.
Serve hot. I like serving mine with orange juice and either club soda or ginger-ale; it’s my non-alcoholic version of a mimosa! It’s super yummy and better for you!
Happy Tuesday Blog Reader!
And remember if you’re interested in more healthy recipes you can always look through the archives of previous recipes (click here), or you can follow me on instagram (@shortpresents) to see my day to day inspirational food photos.
nam nam nam! Love french toasts!
Don't forget to check my anniversary giveaway!
YUM! This looks absolutely amazing 🙂
The Other Side of Gray