Walking to work in the Winter is not a walk in the park! Unless you have some walking to work essentials that is! Today’s Menswear Monday features an inspirational outfit for making your walk to work more enjoyable or at least a little less uncomfortable. From touch screen gloves to a watch that reminds you to be on time; this set includes all the essentials for a Winter walk to work.
Featured Items: Parka, Messenger Bag, Biker Boots, Beanie, Speedmaster Professional Watch, Touch Screen Gloves, Lambswool Sweater, Cashmere Burberry Scarf, Paul Smith Trousers.
Walking to work might not be your favorite part of the day, but there are a few things that can alleviate the horror. Some things I suggest for your morning truck to work include: a great scarf to cover your face in case things get messy, and also a beanie to cover your locks! There’s nothing worse than styling the heck out of your hair and then having it messed up from rain and/or snow even if you are a dude.
You can’t go wrong with layering a v-neck sweater over a button down shirt. If it gets to warm you can always remove a layer; though you might not want to with this electric blue hue! This cobalt blue color is really refreshing, and I’m happy to see it everywhere this season; I think quite honestly I think it looks good on everyone!
A great pair of boots is also tres important! Sport your boots until you get to work and then you can change into your dress shoes when you get there. I also suggest having a pair of backup socks; might sound like overkill, but trust this. There has been one too many times that I spent the entire day with soaking wet feet, and wished I had a back up.
Don’t ruin your day (or anyone else’s) because you weren’t prepared! Don’t forget your ipod 🙂 music can do wonders for your mood!
Happy Monday Blog Reader,
Short Presents
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