There are plenty of fruity options at the grocery store and at your local farmer’s market, but sometime it can be overwhelming when trying to choose which ones to pick. We all know the old saying an apple a day keeps the doctor away, but we need to expand our horizons further than just apples if we are going to aim for 5-10 a day. I’ve compiled a little list for you blog reader of why you should consider eating peaches.
LOSE WEIGHT. Peaches are high in fiber and produce a full feeling for those looking for tasty snacks. Additionally, they’re made up of 80% water which helps flush your system out.
GLOWING SKIN. Perhaps it’s the high amount of water in peaches or maybe it’s the high concentration of vitamin A, but peaches help keep the skin healthy and add color to a pale face by regenerating facial tissue.
RELIEF FROM DIGESTIVE ISSUES. The increased water content in peaches allows for ease of bowel movement and reduces the need to strain. They also help for those who need an increased diuretic effect. The powerful peach can also rid your intestinal tract of any worms.
LOWER CHOLESTEROL will come as a result of eating peaches more often. They can also help prevent cardiovascular diseases, fight infections, renal diseases, and anemia.
REDUCES HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE. Any time you are eating fruits and vegetables you are working towards lowering your blood pressure. Fruit is a great way to send out toxins that put strain on your body, and also helps to reduce the amount of fat gained that also causes additional stress.
ANTI-CANCER. Agents in peaches help prevent the growth of tumors and cancerous cells, thus potentially helping to prevent certain forms of cancer.
PROTECT YOUR EYE HEALTH. Your overall eye health can be improved by eating peaches due to carotenoids, as they help protect the eyes from harmful sunlight and slow the progression of eye diseases like night blindness and cataracts.
And peaches are currently in season which means they are extra delicious, so bag em up! Just remember to always always thoroughly wash them before chowing down.
Looking for an easy way to get your peach fix? Check out yesterday’s Shortcut Recipe: “Metabolism Boosting Peach Mango Smoothie”.
The more you know 🙂
Short Presents
Read more on Why you Should Eat Peaches
1 Comment
I lovee peaches! Hopefully will get some at the Seaport market tomorrow morning! 🙂