Above is an amazingly intriguing video chronicling the designs behind the fictional character James Bond for the past 50 years. Some things never go out of style, and a handsome heroic man wearing a great fitting suit is certainly one of them.
The more I learn about this
franchise the more I fall head over heels for it, but it’s doesn’t hurt that
they are all seriously seductive! Am I right? Interesting take away from this clip is learning that these sharp suits we’ve come to love and expect from the James Bond Characters were actually influenced by Ian
Flemming’s style himself (author of the James Bond Books). Ian Flemming must have been one sharp dresser!
The Bond franchise has certainly stood the test of time, and some may ask why? There’s no real explanation, at least not one defining factor, but no matter what age you are you still want to be a part of it. Two weeks ago I went to see Skyfall in theaters (FINALLY), and what was really interesting was to see was the various age groups in the theatre. Young or old these looks and films are respected, and somehow they seem to pull everyone in. Whether you are 22 or 92 it seems that you want to be a part of James Bond past or present. When you go see this film keep your eyes peeled to throw backs from previous Bond films because they really pull some clever tricks in this movie which is fun considering they are celebrating 50 years. I won’t give you any more spoilers about this particular film except that
you will find it very different from Daniel Craig’s previous two. Mum’s the word.
Enjoy Blog Readers,
Short Presents
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