Have you ever seen those pre-made smoothies at the grocery store? You know the ones in the produce section. I was looking at them the other night, and I almost bought one; that was until I turned it around. On the back it had pictures of four pieces of fruit: two green apples, a banana, and a mango. I thought to my self I already have frozen mangoes at home (I’m obsessed), and so all I would need is two apples and a banana to make it myself.
I try as much as possible to opt for the motto that you should never pay someone to do something that you can do yourself. You’ll save money AND you’ll have the satisfaction of knowing you created something.
You will need:
2 Green apples
1 Banana
1 Mango OR 1 full cup of frozen mango (I might have added more)
1/2 cup or so of water (helps with the blending)
Ice cubes (optional)
1 tablespoon Chia seeds (additional omega 3 – optional)
Wash apples, and cut (leaving skin on) into cubes. Do not worry about the core, or the seeds it actually is good for you: throw it all in. Start blending the apples with water first, as they are the hardest to break down. Add more water as necessary. Once the apples are blended, add the banana and mango. You could also add chia seeds and ice.
Top with your favorite berries and serve in your favorite martini glass with breakfast, or enjoy alone for an energy boost pre-workout jolt.
I just finished reading the book “Skinny Bitch”, I know I know the title is offensive, but so many people have been recommending this book to me that I had to see what all the fuss was about. The book focuses heavily on a vegan diet, and reading labels to ensure your food is organic and safe to eat. I learned a lot from this book, and it only reaffirmed my ideas about cows milk (yikes); to which I won’t be drinking anytime soon. Did you know cows milk actually has morphine in it? So you ACTUALLY can get addicted to it (double yikes).
I love fish and cheese, and therefore I’m not willing to go completely vegan, but I think it’s important to try to embed vegan and vegetarian recipes into your regular routine. A lot of times you’ll find that vegan recipes are high in fiber, protein and chalk full of vitamins and minerals. Personally I don’t think you don’t need to become a vegan, but maybe just flirt with the idea of it once in a while.
So with the wisdom of these two fabulous bitches (pardon my language) in my mind I HAD to buy organic produce. Honestly your health is your wealth, we spend so much money on our nails, and our hair, and yet we complain about the prices of organic food? It’s summer so you should be able to afford organic produce at a pretty reasonable price. I’m like a bear hibernating for the winter, I often buy in bulk and freeze fruits like blueberries, raspberries, and strawberries.
Food for thought,
Happy Monday
Short Presents
PS: sorry I went crazy with the bedazzled photos, I got a new app and I’m totally obsessed.
1 Comment
When I left London I donated my food processor to a friend, the processor had a juicer part that I seriously miss. There is something quite comforting about making this kind of thing yourself, so this had reminded me to get out there any buy a new one (I am convinced I will save money in the long run!)